These pamphlets can be downloaded using the links below:
What is a Stomal Therapy Nurse?
Caring for your urostomy (ileal conduit)
Caring for your stoma – a guide for teens
Eating and drinking for the person with a colostomy
Eating and drinking for the person with an ileostomy
Food fluid and electrolyte balance for the person with an ileostomy
Handy hints for the person with a stoma
Prevention and Management of a Parastomal Hernia
Prevention and Management of Dehydration in Adults
A guide to preventing constipation
Most of these pamphlets have also been translated into Greek, Italian, Macedonian, Vietnamese and Chinese and are available for downloading from the Royal District Nursing Service website.
The Australian Council of Stoma Associations Inc gratefully acknowledges the Australian Association of Stomal Therapy Nurses Inc Education and Professional Development Subcommittee for their knowledge and expertise in the preparation of these pamphlets.Copyright belongs to the AASTN, and acknowledgement of this source is required if they are altered.