President – Ian Samuel OAM
Ian Samuel OAM – is a retired solicitor and has been an ostomate since 1982. He previously held the role of honorary treasurer for ACSA in the 1990s and has been president of the Ostomy Association of Melbourne on a number of occasions, most recently until 2019.
Ian serves on the committee of a number of not for profit organisations and has acted as honorary solicitor for a wide range of not for profit organisations in his legal career. He has a keen interest in governance.

Vice President – Lorrie Gray
Lorrie is a retired Registered Nurse who now manages the WA Ostomy Association (WAOA). She has been involved with Stomal Therapy Nursing education nationally for many years. After retiring from her university nursing education position, she commenced volunteering at WAOA in 2009, joining the committee in 2012 and becoming manager / secretary in 2017. Although not an ostomate, she has a keen interest in supporting ostomates and has been instrumental in the development of Stomal Therapy Nursing services provided state-wide by WAOA.

Secretary – David Swift M Infr Man, BE Hons, MIEAust (ret)
David has been an ostomate since 2016 and joined the Ileostomy Association of South Australia. After several years as a volunteer, David was elected as Secretary of IASA in 2019 and President of IASA in 2021. David’s focus at IASA is on improving overall governance and management, member services, staff and volunteer development, commercial returns and effective technology. David was elected as Secretary of ACSA in 2020.
David has a professional background in transforming major utilities and improving their service delivery; managing infrastructure contracts for land developments; multi-functional IT systems; and initiating national product approval systems. David has worked at international, national and state levels in both public and private sectors.